Fees, Subsidies, and Discounts
Monthly Tuition Fees
Child Care Fee Reduction Initiative
Starting April 1st, 2024 all families will receive a discount on their monthly tuition based on the number of days in attendance each week.

Affordable Child Care Benefit subsidy
The Affordable Child Care Benefit subsidy is a program designed to provide financial assistance to low and moderate-income families in B.C. If you are a Canadian citizen or permanent resident and your combined family income is less than $111,000 per year you may be eligible. To apply for the subsidy please follow these steps:
- Confirm your eligibility to receive the subsidy. You must be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident, and have a combined family income of less than $111,000 per year.
- Sign up for a BCeID (if you haven’t already). This is an online account which allows you to access many of British Columbia’s online services, including the Family Services online portal.
Visit: https://myfamilyservices.gov.bc.ca/s/login/ to register. - Apply for funding from ChildCareBC by visiting the My Family Services online portal at: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/familysocial-supports/caring-for-young-children/child-care-funding/child-care-benefit
- Request a subsidy arrangement form. If you’ve selected Little Monsters Academy as your child care provider, please contact our director for an arrangement form. We will complete sections 1-4 providing our program and licensing details, as well as the details of your child’s enrollment including days in attendance, monthly fees, and daily rates.
- Complete the arrangement form and submit it to the ministry. Please complete your portion (sections 5-8) and fax or mail the completed form to the Child Care Service Centre. They will notify you (and us) if/when you are approved for funding. Fax or mail the completed form to:
Child Care Service Centre
PO Box 9953 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria, BC V8W 9R3
Toll Free Fax: 1-877-544-0699
Toll Free Phone: 1-888-338-6622
We’re told faxing the arrangement form results in a faster response. If you have any questions please contact us at info@littlemonsters.ca.